2013年5月7日 星期二

Embedded product development and networking

Testing and traceability play a vital role in embedded product development. Traceability rendered via Application Life-cycle Management (ALM) software enables the team to automatically generate networking cases that link back to requirements, and report defects that link back to test cases. By knowing that defects are addressed and test cases run successfully, the team can have an immediate networking and accurate accounting of the state of product requirements.

Fifteen or 20 years ago, many embedded systems consisted of an 8-bit processor with a few KB of memory and perhaps a couple hundred lines of networking. Today, the explosion of embedded systems in automobiles, ATMs, cell phones, and other devices has dramatically changed that dynamic. It’s not uncommon to see multiple 32- and 64-bit multicore processors on an Ethernet network, running multiple applications totaling hundreds of thousands of lines of code in these systems.

